» Global positioning system (GPS): GPS satellites use the frequency bands 1575.42 MHz (referred to as L1) and 1227.60 MHz (L2) to transmit signals.
» Meteorological satellite services: The UHF band from 1530 to 1650 MHz (the L band) is commonly used by meteorological satellites, as well as some global environmental monitoring satellites. Part of the UHF and SHF bands are used for military satellite communication.
» Radio-frequency remote control, such as remote keyless entry systems and garage door openers. These short-range wireless systems, commonly used for automobiles, operate at 27, 128, 418, 433, and 868 MHz in the United States; 315 and 915 MHz in Europe; and 426 and 868 MHz in Japan.
Source of Information : Elsevier Wireless Networking Complete 2010