Here is an example of how to use the FindByTextCommand:
[C#] Using the FindByTextCommand
Telerik.WinControls.Commands.FindByTextCommand cmd = new FindByTextCommand(); List<object> result = RadTreeView.ExecuteBatchCommand(this.radTreeView1.Nodes, -1, cmd, "MyNode"); if(result != null) { // Found nodes. }
[VB] Using the FindByTextCommand
Dim cmd As Telerik.WinControls.Commands.FindByTextCommand = New Telerik.WinControls.Commands.FindByTextCommand Dim result As List(Of Object) = RadTreeView.ExecuteBatchCommand(Me.RadTreeView1.Nodes, -1, cmd, "MyNode") If Not result Is Nothing Then 'Found nodes. End If
➤ Dev Components ➤ RadControls for WinForms ➤ Telerik Windows Forms RadTreeView
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