Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Paranoid’s Guide to Facebook

Over HALF A billion people use Facebook. It’s the largest phenomenon of human connection in history, not to mention the biggest thing on the Web. But even though we love using Facebook and other social networks, we hate the privacy and security drawbacks. Here are some steps that you can take to keep your information private on Facebook.

Five Steps to Privacy

1 - Disable Facebook Places:
Using Facebook Places has benefits. But when you broad cast your location, you expose vulnerabilities, inviting an ill intentioned person to swoop in. If you use Facebook Places, note that the defaults let “Every one” see your profile which means everyone on the Internet. Go to the Account tab and select Privacy Settings. From there, indicate who should and shouldn’t see your profile, and how much others may see when you upload comments and images. To disable Facebook Places entirely, first log in to Facebook and pick Privacy Settings from the Account drop down menu. Click Customize settings. Te last line under ‘Tings I share’ deals with Facebook Places; click Edit and select Disable. To stop friends from broadcasting your location, scroll to ‘Tings others share’; for the bottom item, click Edit and select Disable.

2 - Control items posted to your profile:
Even if you delete your Facebook account (see the final tip), the photos and details you shared with friends can still lurk on Facebook or the Internet at large. When in doubt, don’t post it but if you do, control who sees your items by using the lock feature. Before clicking Share, click the drop down menu above and select who can see the post: Everyone, Friends of Friends, Friends only, or Customize. Te last setting will let you block individual friends irrespective of your general choice.

3 - Hide your app activity:
Some games on Facebook reward players for recruiting friends. And some games and apps post messages to your wall so friends see what you’ve been up to (when you first run the app, you agree to the terms and conditions that allow it to do this). Te posts can be a nuisance to your friends. Besides, do you really want them to know that you’ve been playing Farmville all day? Head to the Privacy Settings page. At the bottom lef, under ‘Applications and websites’, select Edit Your Settings. Below ‘Game and application activity’, select Custom from the drop down menu. Choose Only Me in the dialog box.

4 - Disable Facebook apps:
All Facebook apps can access your profile information. Facebook’s policy is that app developers cannot use personal data off site and may access only sufficient data to enable the app to run, or to “enrich” your experience. But once an app has access to personal information, it’s up to the developer to keep the info safe. If you don’t like that policy, block apps. Select Privacy Settings under Account, and click Edit your settings under ‘Applications and websites’. Below ‘Applications you use’, select Turn off all platform applications. In the alert box, choose Select all and click Turn Off Platform. You may have to wait a few minutes while the new settings activate; Facebook needs time to disable app access.

5 - Control what friends reveal:
Your friends have access to your profile can repost your wall items to their profile, or share the info, with out your knowledge. They also be using apps that access their friend lists. Click Privacy Settings under Account. Go to ‘Applications and websites’, and click Edit your settings and Info accessible through your friends. Deselect items to share when your friends allow apps to access your proTle; for full privacy, deselect everything (recommended).

The Last resort: Deletion
Eliminating your Facebook account may be worthwhile if you no longer find it useful. But to deep six it, you have to dig: From the Account Settings page, you can only deactivate your account, which makes it merely dormant your profile still exists, in hibernation. If you want to obliterate the account, the process takes 14 days, and once it’s initiated you cannot use your account.

The link to permanently delete your account is buried in Facebook’s Help pages, at Click Submit, fill out the form, and click OK. Then leave the site, never to return.

Source of Information :  PC World Magazine February 2011
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