WAP allows the presentation and delivery of information and services to wireless devices such as mobile telephone or hand-held computer. The major players in WAP space are the wireless service provider (WSP) and the enterprise. The WSP is the wireless equivalent of an ISP. The role of the WSP is to provide access to back-end resources for wireless users. The WSP provides additional service because wireless users must transition from a wireless to a wired environment (unlike an Internet environment where the user is already “ on ” on the Internet). The WSP’s space contains a modem bank, remote access service (RAS) server, router, and potentially a WAP gateway. The environment is similar to the wired environment, where all connection type services are provided by the WSP. The WSP handles the processing associated with incoming WAP communications, including the translation of wireless communication from the WAP device through the transmission towers to a modem bank and RAS and on to the WAP gateway. The modem bank receives incoming phone calls from the user’s mobile device, the RAS server translates the incoming calls from a wireless packet format to a wired packet format, and the router routes these packets to correct destinations. The WAP gateway is used to translate the WAP into traditional Internet protocol (TCP/IP). The WAP gateway is based on proxy technology. Typical WAP gateways provide the following functionality:
● Domain name server (DNS) service (e.g., to resolve domain names used in URLs).
● A control point for management of fraud and service utilization.
● Act as a proxy, translating the WAP protocol stack to the Internet protocol stack.
Many gateways also include a transcoding function that will translate an HTML page into a WML page that is suited to a particular device type. The enterprise space contains the backed web and application servers that provide the enterprises ’ transactions. Generally, the WSP maintains and manages the WAP gateway, but there are circumstances under which this is not desirable. This is due to the presence of an encryption gap caused by the ending of the WTLS session at the gateway. The data are temporarily in clear text on the gateway until they are reencrypted under the SSL session established with the enterprise’s web server. In such cases, the WAP gateway should be maintained at the enterprise. The problem with this solution is the absence of the DNS client at the mobile device, which would require the storage of profiles for every target on the mobile device. This also requires that the enterprise set up a relationship with service provider whereby all incoming packets destined for the enterprise (identified by the IP address) are immediately routed by the WSP directly to the enterprise and are never sent to the WSP’s gateway.
Source of Information : Elsevier Wireless Networking Complete 2010
Traditional WAP Networking Environment
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